Journal Entry: Potjie's & pop up's @ Wiper and True taproom
It should come as no surprise that our first winter pop up in Bristol would feature our potjies. When the concept of Ubuntu Food first started being developed, our garden kitchen consisted of large cement blocks that Imke had pulled off of the wall and onto the ground. A no frills open fire haven tucked away amongst the trees. We borrowed a family cast iron cauldron and set ourselves the challenge of cooking a new flavour/ meat / veg combo every week. We’d lay out rugs on the grass, drape fairy lights around big couch pillows and served up a feast to friends. Bringing people together around food and fire to test what we had cooked that week.
Our first kitchen garden and testing with potjie kos
Cooking communal food and coming together around a fire has always been a way of life for our family. As a little girl I (Imke) remember the feeling of fascination and excitement when the cast iron pot appeared from out of the cellar, ready to feed a party of people gathering at The Old Vic that weekend.
I'd find comfort in hearing my folks debate their recipe from the kitchen to the fire. Watching as they’d assess heat levels with their hands, my mamma being the only one allowed to open the lid to add ingredients and gently check nothing was catching on the bottom. God forbid anyone else dared to stir the pot without permission...
My imagination would run wild as I circled the gaggle of adults at the fire; glass of red in hand, music blaring. The crescendo of laughter and chatter building as the potjie neared its completion. As our hunger amounted from the smells that wafted through the garden, me and my sister would conjure spells at the cauldron as it bubbled away, forever duelling with the smoke as we snuck closer to the open fire.
This weekend, Saturday 18th, we are stoked to be signing off 2021 with a final fire cooking pop up at Wiper & True taprooms in St Werburghs.
Our menu on this occasion is a taste of our home kitchen, warm wintery food for the soul that hugs you from the inside. Passed down from Mamma, to future mamma, our oxtail stew has been debated and developed at every exchange. Its a classic South African dish that no doubt reminds so many South Africans of eating around their family table. We love our new development of using Wiper and True Milkshake Milk Stout in the stock to add an extra depth of flavour.
This week we are also serving up a Cape Malay inspired spiced dhal, paying homage to the spice combinations that first inspired Chef Imke to explore and develop the way our kitchen uses South African spices in creating bold flavours. The combination of our home spice blend, and Wiper and True’s Kaleidoscope Pale Ale, is well and truly the making of a lively and robust flavour profile that warms you from the inside.
We cant wait to light our fire to cook for people one last time this year. Come and join us for some warm wintery goodness and a beer, or three.