Journal Entry: Ubuntu Food - Discovering Something New
A Personal Perspective
The decision to move away from the security and confines of the corporate world was driven by an innate desire to explore what I am most passionate about and push the boundaries of my own creative capabilities as a Chef. Ubuntu Food started as a personal project, a vehicle that allowed me to explore my love for dinner parties, meeting new people and experimenting with outdoor cooking.
In our modern society it is so easy to become consumed by what you see on social media. At times over the past year I myself became hooked on exploring the concept of Ubuntu Food on Instagram, scrolling through endless pages of photos and videos in search of inspiration. But truthfully | have found that there is no greater source of inspiration and learning than actually experiencing things first hand.
People often ask me to explain to them what Ubuntu Food is going to become. But really that is a question that right now I can’t answer definitively. This is a new chapter of my story that has no ending.