Posts tagged sustainability
Write up: South Blessed

This particular Journal entry’s purpose is to shine a spotlight on some of the spots in the South West that I have enjoyed experiencing since moving to Bristol in the late summer. I like it when I'm surprised by how much I like being somewhere, especially when it comes to the food, people and the culture of a place. This is by no means an exhaustive list, merely a few spots that I have been fortunate enough to capture on film whilst moving through life’s rhythm. 

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Write up: The Powerful relationship between community & sustainability

During my time in South Africa I was able to explore these ideologies in a totally new context. Taking my westernised blinkers off and opening my eyes to the issues we face from a grass roots level. Connecting with people across the Western Cape it became clear that whilst the socio economic and political landscape in South Africa was different to the UK, there is still a fundamental relationship between empowered grass roots communities and living sustainably.

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